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What are chondromas?

软骨瘤are benign (not cancerous) tumors made of cartilage that are found mostly in the small bones of the hand and feet.

  • They can also occur in the humerus (upper arm), femur (thigh bone), and ribs.
  • These tumors rarely produce symptoms but can cause the affected bone to easily fracture.
  • 当您的孩子的骨头具有充分的生长潜力时,它们通常不会蔓延,通常会停止生长。

They are classified as one of two types depending on where on the bone they are located:

  • 恩长瘤:这种软骨瘤在骨头的骨髓腔中发现
  • Periosteal Chondromas: This kind of chondroma forms at the surface of the bone

Can chondromas become malignant?

有些人可能会继续成长并转变为称为的恶性疾病chondrosarcomain adulthood. Your child's doctor will pay close attention to any tumor that grows after skeletal maturity.

How we care for chondromas

The Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors Program at the达娜·法伯/波士顿儿童癌症和血液疾病中心结合波士顿儿童医院的专业知识和欧宝彩票平台Dana-Farber Cancer Institute为儿童和青少年的恶性骨骼和软组织肿瘤的全面医学和手术护理。

软骨瘤|Symptoms & Causes




骨膜软骨瘤are extremely rare. They usually appear earlier, which may be because they produce symptoms, leading to earlier detection.



  • 通常没有症状
  • 疼痛
  • fracture
  • tendinitis (usually in the upper arm)
  • 一位数字无痛的肿胀


  • dull, achy pain
  • swelling
  • a mass that can be felt
  • sometimes no symptoms



In addition to a taking a complete medical history and performing a full physical examination, your child's doctor may use some combination of the following tests to diagnose either type of chondroma:

What are the treatment options for chondromas?

Treatment for children with chondromas without symptoms may involve observation alone. Your child's doctor will watch for any signs of bone destruction or malignant transformation. Doctors will probably want to remove your child's chondromas that are causing symptoms, such as pain or fracture.

Removing the chondroma

The operation of choice, performed by an orthopaedic surgeon, usually involves curettage.


While the operation is performed, the surgeon will take a biopsy, a tissue sample of the tumor, so it can be examined under a microscope.

If the tumor is causing destruction or if doctors believe it will degenerate to a malignant condition known as chondrosarcoma, the tumor and surrounding healthy tissue may be surgically removed.

What is the long-term outlook for a patient with a chondroma?


  • the extent of the disease
  • the size and location of the tumor
  • the presence of absence of malignant degeneration
  • the age and overall health of your child
  • your child's tolerance for specific medication, procedures, or therapies

Generally, enchondroma and periosteal chondroma that are not causing any symptoms will resolve on their own as they stop growing at skeletal maturity. Due to the possibility of a transformation into a malignant condition, however, continual follow-up care is essential if your child is diagnosed with a chondroma.

软骨瘤|Programs & Services
