



Although cataracts are most common in older people, they can also affect newborns and children.



Cataracts may also cause:

  • cloudy or blurry vision
  • 视力下降
  • 双视
  • lights to appear too bright or cause a glare or halo
  • colors to seem faded

You may also notice a white or grayish area on the eye, but many cataracts can’t be seen with the naked eye because they’re too far back in the lens.

What are the causes of cataracts?

Children may be born with a cataract (congenital), or develop one later (acquired). Congenital cataracts occur when the lens of the eye isn’t formed properly. About 25 percent of the time, congenital cataracts have a genetic cause and may be related to a metabolic, hormonal or chromosomal , such asDown syndrome。在另外25%的病例中,白内障是遗传性的,这意味着孩子的爸爸妈妈在童年时期也患有白内障。

Acquired cataracts are caused by abnormal interactions among the proteins that make up the lens. Over time, these abnormal interactions cause clumping, specks or cloudy areas to form.

Some possible causes of acquired cataracts are:

  • 眼睛的创伤
  • diabetes or another metabolic disease
  • steroid use
  • 其他眼病的并发症
  • complications from treatment of other childhood diseases, like rheumatoid arthritis
  • 癌后放射治疗

Many cataracts are idiopathic, which means they occur for no known reason.


Babies and children with cataracts need highly specialized care. Our小儿白内障服务提供专业知识,修改儿童的设备和先进技术,以诊断和治疗我们最小的患者的白内障。来自全国各地的婴儿和白内障儿童被转介给我们。


白内障|Diagnosis and Treatment

How are cataracts diagnosed?


  • dilating your child’s pupils with eye drops to examine the back of the eye
  • an ultrasound to look in the back of the eye

What are the treatment options for cataracts?




If the cataract is only a tiny dot on the lens, the lens may not need to be removed. Instead, the doctor may recommend simply placing a patch over the “good” eye, and possibly having your child wear glasses or contact lenses. Patching the unaffected eye forces the eye with the cataract to develop better vision.




During surgery, a small incision is made in the eye and the cloudy lens is removed with a special instrument.


Most children who don’t have a lens implanted during surgery are fitted with specialty contact lenses a few days later. In some cases, this is a temporary solution used until it's time for intraocular implants. In other cases, the contact lenses work great and there's no need for more surgery.

白内障|Frequently Asked Questions



Do all cataracts need to be removed?


Will my child require ultrasonography to break up her lens before it can be removed?

Probably not. Ultrasounds are used in cataract surgery for adults to break up hard lenses that are usually caused by aging. Most children don’t need ultrasound because their lenses are soft.

Do all cataracts affect vision?

否 - 有时白内障可能很小,以至于您的孩子根本看不到任何模糊。但是要记住的一件事是,与您的循环系统或呼吸系统不同,您对视觉系统的体验完全取决于您的使用方式。


这很难预测 - 有些白内障会进展,有些则没有。有时,孩子的视野似乎开始恶化,因为他们的视觉需求正在改变,即使白内障本身没有改变。

Can cataracts be prevented?

Not really, although it’s important that kids wear eye protection when playing sports to lessen the chance of eye injury.


Most often, the implant is invisible. Some parents say that the eye with the implant seems to have a “sparkle” or “glint” if light catches it just right, but that certainly doesn't cause any problems for your child.


Most children will need to wear glasses after intraocular lens implants. Natural lenses can shift focus from far to near, but intraocular lenses can only focus on one place. Once children can sit up, they may need bifocals to help them focus up close and far away. If your child has been prescribed reading glasses or bifocals, they might not need to wear them all the time.

