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Carney triad is a rare condition that describes the occurrence of three kinds of endocrine tumors in the same child.The tumors comprising the triad are tumors in the gastrointestinal tract (known as gastrointestinal stromal tumors, or GIST), pulmonary chondromas, andparagangliomas。这些肿块主要在胃,肺或头部,颈部和躯干的神经内分泌组织中生长。Carney Triad极为罕见,在女性中最常见。


Children with Carney triad are treated atDana-Farber/Boston Children's Cancer and Blood DIsorders Center通过我们的内分泌肿瘤计划。高级癌症也可能是treated通过我们的实体瘤中心。我们综合的儿科肿瘤科服务(在一个专业计划中)提供了领先的癌症中心和主要儿童医院的综合专业知识。我们组建了一个团队,以对待您的孩子,包括肿瘤学家,内分泌学家,遗传咨询师和外科医生。

Our areas of research for Carney triad

Children who are treated through our Endocrine-Oncology Program benefit from the work of our basic and clinical researchers, who are striving to understand the scientific原因内分泌癌。他们的工作可能导致引入新的治疗选择。我们是转化研究的世界领导者,将实验室进步带到床边,并尽快进入医生的办公室。

Clinical trials

Clinical trials,,,,or research studies evaluating new治疗approaches, are a major offering at Dana-Farber/Boston Children’s. For many children with rare or hard-to-treat conditions, clinical trial provide new options.


Carney Triad |Symptoms & Causes


The symptoms of Carney triad may vary from child to child and depend on where tumors are located and what kind they are. Symptoms may mimic other, more common ailments. Some symptoms may include:

  • 胃肠道出血
  • 肚子痛
  • abdominal mass that can be felt on examination
  • anemia(low red blood cell count)
  • headaches
  • 高血压

是什么原因导致Carney Triad?

Carney triad is non-hereditary and incredibly rare with 30 cases reported in total. Because many of these symptoms can also point to other conditions, it’s important to have your child evaluated and诊断立即由合格的医学专家。

Carney Triad |Diagnosis & Treatments



There may be other diagnostic tests your doctor will discuss with you depending on your child's individual situation. After we complete all necessary tests, our experts meet to review and discuss what they have learned about your child's condition. Then, we will meet with you and your family to discuss the results and outline the best possible treatment options.

Carney Triad有哪些治疗选择?

对孩子的Carney Triad的治疗将取决于许多因素,包括孩子的肿瘤类型以及它们所在的位置。您孩子的医生可能会推荐:

不同组的化疗药物在dif工作ferent ways. Your child may receive chemotherapy orally as a pill to swallow, intramuscularly as an injection into the muscle or fat tissue, intravenously as a direct injection into the bloodstream or intrathecally as a direct injection into the spinal column through a needle. Often, a combination of chemotherapy drugs is used.

What is the long-term outlook for children with Carney triad?

接受Carney Triad的儿童应每年访问幸存诊所。通过小戴维·佩里尼(David B. Perini),生活质量诊所,我们的癌症幸存诊所,儿童癌症幸存者获得了癌症护理团队的全面随访评估。除了与您的儿科肿瘤学家会面外,您的孩子还可能会见我们的内分泌学家之一,心脏病学家,神经病学家,神经心理学家或替代/补充治疗专家。我们还提供患者和家庭教育,社会心理评估,遗传咨询,生殖咨询以及与其他儿童癌症幸存者交谈的机会。

Carney Triad |Programs & Services
