Current Environment:


一氧化碳(CO)是一个poisonous, colorless, tasteless, odorless gas that is produced from the incomplete burning of fuels that contain carbon, such as wood, charcoal, gasoline, coal, natural gas or kerosene. Breathing carbon monoxide fumes decreases the blood's ability to carry oxygen. Low levels of oxygen can lead to cell death, including cells in the vital organs such as the brain and heart.


How we care for carbon monoxide poisoning

The小儿环境卫生中心at Boston Children's offers multidisciplinary evaluation and management of children with known or suspected exposure to environmental toxins, including carbon monoxide. Our team provides comprehensive, coordinated services if your child has been exposed to carbon monoxide. Services provided include:

  • patient evaluation: complete history and physical exam
  • 实验室测试
  • treatment provided by experienced pediatric environmental medicine toxicologists
  • prevention: guidance and practical advice for reducing and eliminating exposures
  • 致电和/或治疗初级保健提供者的书面咨询
  • 24 hour telephone access: 888-CHILD-14


What are some sources of carbon monoxide?


  • 自动排气
  • indoor charcoal grills
  • tobacco smoke
  • 壁炉和烟囱故障
  • fires
  • 燃油燃烧设备,例如汽油发动机,气体原木和气体空间加热器
  • 燃气热水器或干衣机的故障
  • gas appliances and heaters in cabins or campers, pools, and spas

What are the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning?


  • 头痛
  • dizziness
  • 软弱或笨拙
  • 恶心和呕吐
  • rapid or irregular heartbeat
  • 呼吸急促
  • 胸痛
  • loss of hearing
  • blurry vision
  • disorientation or confusion
  • seizures
  • 意识或昏迷
  • 心脏骤停
  • 呼吸衰竭
  • 死亡



First-aid for carbon monoxide poisoning


  • 离开该区域,立即获得新鲜空气。只有在不危害自己或他人的情况下可以安全地这样做,仅关闭一氧化碳源。
  • 致电911或您当地的紧急医疗服务(EMS)。
  • If your child has stopped breathing, start CPR and do not stop until your child breathes on his/her own or someone else can take over. If you can, have someone call 911 right away. If you are alone, perform CPR for one minute and then call 911.


Protect against carbon monoxide poisoning

According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, more than 200 people each year die in the US from carbon monoxide poisoning that comes from fuel-burning appliances such as space heaters, furnaces, ranges, and water heaters. Burning charcoal inside a house, garage, vehicle, or tent is also responsible for carbon monoxide-related deaths. Carbon monoxide poisoning is the cause of several thousand visits to hospital emergency rooms each year.

  • Have your furnace and fireplace cleaned and inspected before each heating season. Have other fuel burning appliances checked regularly.
  • 仅在通风良好的地区使用非电气空间加热器。
  • Do not start or idle gas lawn mowers, cars, trucks, or other vehicles in an enclosed area, even with the garage doors open.
  • 尽可能在外面排气燃料的电器。
  • 永远不要在您的房屋,车库,帐篷或露营车内使用木炭烤架。
  • Do not use portable heaters or lanterns while sleeping in enclosed areas such as tents, campers, and other vehicles. This is especially important at high altitudes, where the risk of CO poisoning is increased.
  • Read and follow manufacturer instructions and precautions that come with any fuel-burning device.
  • Do not ever use a gas oven for heat inside your home.
  • Use an approved carbon monoxide detector with an audible alarm inside your home.
  • 当使用汽油动力发电机供电时,应注意使发电机保持安全的距离。

一氧化碳中毒|Programs & Services
