

While a baby is developing in the womb, the neck and face form from five basic building blocks called the branchial arches. Each arch is separated by a groove or cleft. A persistence of this cleft with an opening to the outside (or inside) of the neck is called a sinus tract. If this cleft persists with no communication to the outside or inside of the neck, it may fill with fluid, resulting in a branchial cleft cyst. A child may can have both a sinus tract and cyst.

Sinus tracts with an external opening to the outside are often noted at birth or soon thereafter. Such tracts may be completely asymptomatic or drain fluid of variable consistency and quantity.


How we care for branchial cleft cysts and sinus tracts

鳃裂囊肿的治疗和窦tracts requires an operation performed by a surgeon trained in head and neck surgery. The surgeons in the欧宝彩票平台波士顿儿童医院耳鼻喉科and in the外科部have this depth of expertise. They perform this surgery in a family-centered environment with pediatric anesthesiologists, nurses and assistive personnel all extensively trained and experienced in pediatric surgical care.



The specific signs and symptoms of a branchial cyst or sinus tract depend upon the branchial arch or cleft of origin. As a result there are several types of branchial cleft cysts and sinus tracts.

First branchial cleft cysts and sinus tracts

First branchial cleft cysts occur just in front (of) or below the ear at the angle of the jawline. The external sinus tract opening can be above the jawline (type I) or below the jawline in the upper neck above the level of the hyoid bone (type II). If there is an internal opening, it will be inthe ear canal.




Third and fourth branchial cleft cysts and sinus tracts



Second-Branchial-Cleft-Cyst-Sinus-Tract第三支链路cyst-sinus-tract第四支链袋cyst and-sinus-tract


Branchial cleft cysts and sinus tracts are congenital anomalies, meaning they result from an unexpected change in the womb before birth. Although most commonly unilateral (occurring on one side of the neck), they can be bilateral (both sides of the neck). When bilateral, they can be associated with other congenital anomalies. For example, if your child has bilateral branchial cleft sinus tracts in the neck and in front of the ears (pre-auricular), they may have branchio-oto-renal (BOR) syndrome, which can be associated with hearing loss or kidney abnormalities.

分支裂|Diagnosis & Treatments



Sinus tracts with only an internal opening are much more challenging to identify. A special examination under anesthesia called endoscopy is often necessary to confirm the diagnosis.

Branchial cleft cysts are often discovered during a physical examination in a child who is showing no其他症状。家庭或医生都检测到上颈上或下颈部的肿块。

As mentioned previously, an infected branchial cleft cyst may present as a suddenly enlarging tender neck mass. Recurrent neck infections (abscesses) should raise concern of a branchial cleft cyst with an internal communication to the throat.

由于颈部可能发生各种不同的肿块,因此通常需要进行成像研究。通常,最初的研究是宫颈超声,尽管计算机断层扫描(CT)扫描或者磁共振成像(MRI)scan may be necessary for further anatomical definition of the cyst in preparation for future surgical excision.

There are other congenital cystic neck masses that can closely resemble a branchial cleft cyst. The most common is a dermoid cyst. Sometimes a dermoid cyst cannot be distinguished from a branchial cleft cyst based on the combination of the physical examination and imaging studies, and the answer is not known until the mass is removed and examined by a pathologist.


The treatment for branchial cleft cysts and sinus tracts is surgical removal.





