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Blocked Tear Duct Dacryostenosis |概述

What is a blocked tear duct?

Tears are produced in the lacrimal gland, located under the bone of the eyebrow, and flow over the eye through tiny ducts along the eyelid. After draining away from the eye through two small openings at the inner corner of the eyelids, tears drain into a larger passage from the eye to the inside of the nose, called the nasolacrimal duct, or tear duct.

在某些婴儿中,进入泪管的开口尚未正确形成。这会导致堵塞,眼泪没有排水。As many as 6 percent of newborns have a blocked tear duct in the eye. This condition is called dacryostenosis or congenital lacrimal duct obstruction, meaning it’s present at birth. A blocked tear duct can occur in one or both eyes.

由于婴儿在几周大之前不会产生眼泪,因此出生时可能不会明显撕裂的眼泪管道。It may also be noticeable only when a baby cries, or in cold or windy weather when tears are stimulated.

Fortunately, nearly all blocked tear ducts open on their own, usually by the time the child is 1 year old.

Blocked Tear Duct Dacryostenosis |Symptoms & Causes

What causes a blocked tear duct?

  • Tears help clean and lubricate the eye and are produced in the lacrimal gland, located under the bone of the eyebrow.
  • Tears from the lacrimal gland flow over the eye through tiny ducts along the eyelid and drain away from the eye through two small openings at the inner corner of the eyelids.
  • 然后,他们将从眼睛到鼻子内部的较大通道排入更大的通道,称为鼻泪管或撕裂管道。


What are the symptoms of a blocked tear duct?

Each child may experience symptoms differently, but the most common symptoms of a blocked tear duct include:

  • tears pooling in the corner of your baby's eye
  • tears draining down your baby's eyelid and cheek
  • 眼睛中的粘液或淡黄色排放
  • reddening of the skin from rubbing


Blocked Tear Duct Dacryostenosis |诊断和治疗

How is a blocked tear duct diagnosed?

A blocked tear duct is usually diagnosed based on a complete medical history and a physical examination of your child. Additional tests are not usually required to confirm the diagnosis.


The most common treatment for a blocked tear duct is gently "milking" or massaging the tear duct two to three times a day. Your child's physician will show you how to do this.

If there are symptoms of infection, antibiotics developed specifically for use in the eye may be used.

Fortunately, nearly all blocked tear ducts open on their own, usually by the time the child is 1 year old. If the duct still remains blocked, the duct opening can be enlarged with a small probe. The procedure may need to be repeated, but it's effective in most cases.

Blocked Tear Duct Dacryostenosis |Programs & Services
