Current Environment:



About 3 to 4 percent of babies are born with some type of birth defect. A birth defect is a health problem or a physical abnormality. It can be very mild or severe. Some birth defects are life-threatening, in which case a baby may only live for a few months. Birth defects are also referred to as "congenital anomalies" or "congenital abnormalities."

The most common birth defects are:

What causes birth defects?

Most birth defects are caused by genetic or environmental factors or a combination of the two (multifactorial birth defects). In most cases, however, the cause is unknown.


  • chromosomal defects: caused by too few or too many chromosomes, or problems in the structure of the chromosomes, such as Down syndrome and extra copy of chromosome 21 and sex chromosome abnormalities
  • 单基因缺陷:一个基因中的突变导致缺陷
  • 主要继承:当一个父母(可能没有疾病的父母)沿着单个错误的基因传递时,例如adnondroploplasiaandMarfan syndrome
  • 隐性遗传:当没有疾病的父母双方都将疾病的基因传递给孩子,例如囊性纤维化andGM2 gangliosidosis(Tay-Sachs disease)


Multifactorial birth defects are caused by a combination of genes and environmental exposures. In other words, a person can inherit a gene that increases sensitivity to an environmental trigger. Examples include cleft lip or palate, certain heart defects, and neural tube defects.



Other steps you can take throughout your pregnancy include:

  • 停止吸烟:吸烟的母亲出生的婴儿往往是较低的出生体重;此外,暴露于二手烟会损害胎儿。
  • 吃健康的饮食:在怀孕之前和怀孕期间吃均衡的饮食不仅对母亲的整体健康有益,而且对于为发育中的胎儿提供必不可少的营养物质,以进行适当的生长和发育。
  • Maintain a healthy weight: Women who are overweight may experience medical problems such ashigh blood pressureanddiabetes,体重不足的妇女可能有婴儿low birthweight
  • 先前存在的医疗管理:控制任何当前或先前存在的医学问题,例如糖尿病或高血压。
  • Folic acid: Taking 400 micrograms of folic acid each day can help lower the risk of neural tube defects, or birth defects of the brain and spinal cord. The vitamin is also found in some green leafy vegetables, nuts, beans, citrus fruits, and fortified breakfast cereals.
  • Avoid exposure to alcohol and drugs during pregnancy: Be sure to inform your physician of any medications and herbal supplements you are taking, since they can all have adverse effects on the developing fetus.
  • Avoid exposure to harmful substances: These include lead, pesticides, and radiation (i.e.,X射线), which may harm the developing fetus.
  • Lower your risk for infection. Pregnant women should avoid eating undercooked meat and raw eggs and avoid all contact and exposure to cat feces and cat litter, which may contain a parasite, toxoplasma gondii, that causestoxoplasmosis。其他感染的来源包括昆虫have been in contact with cat feces.
  • 服用每日维生素:每天开始服用医生处方的产前维生素,以确保您的身体获得滋养健康婴儿所需的所有必要营养素和维生素。
  • Dealing with domestic violence: Women who are abused before pregnancy may be at risk for increased abuse during pregnancy. Your doctor can help you find community, social, and legal resources to help you deal with domestic violence.


The产妇护理中心is one of a handful of comprehensive fetal care centers in the United States, and the only one in New England. The MFCC treats, supports, and manages complicated fetal anomalies. Its doctors were the world's first to perform life-saving cardiac interventions, such as treating heart problemsin utero。The center is also advancing treatments forcongenital diaphragmatic hernia,婴儿天生有隔膜孔或根本没有隔膜的疾病。

先天缺陷和先天性异常|Diagnosis & Treatments


可以在出生前通过ultrasound,羊膜穿刺术或慢性绒毛采样(CVS)。大多数妇女都有血液检查以筛选出患有特定先天缺陷的婴儿的风险,例如Down syndromeandspina bifida。虽然通常不会导致治愈婴儿的先天缺陷,但产前诊断可以为父母做好准备,并帮助他们为患有先天缺陷的孩子做准备。



A preconception examination, also known as a preconception visit, is one of the best ways to ensure a healthy pregnancy. The goals are to assess your overall health and identify any risk factors that can complicate a pregnancy. A preconception examination can include any of the following:

Family medical history

A doctor will assess the medical history of both of your biological parents to see if any family member has had medical problems such ashigh blood pressure、糖尿病、或精神发育迟滞。

Genetic testing

A doctor will assess any possible genetic disorders that can be passed down to your child; some genetic disorders can be detected by blood tests before pregnancy.

Personal Medical History: to determine if you have any medical conditions that may require special care during pregnancy (贫血,epilepsy, diabetes, high blood pressure); to gather information about previous surgeries; and to obtain information about past pregnancies such as complications, losses, and length of gestation.


To assess immunity to diseases such asrubella (German measles)这可能导致流产或出生缺陷,可以在受孕前至少三个月给予疫苗以提供免疫力。

Infection screening

感染筛查确定女人是否有sexually transmitted infection, a尿路感染, or another type of infection that can be harmful to her or to the fetus.

What are the treatment options for birth defects?

Most birth defects cannot be cured. Treatment focuses on managing the symptoms. In some cases, however, there are ways to treat specific birth defects.


基因治疗replaces a gene that is either missing or defective.Severe combined immunodeficiency diseases (SCID)are a group of very rare diseases for which gene therapy has been used.

Enzyme replacement therapy

Enzymes are proteins for which genes code. So when a gene is mutated and does not produce the gene product, an enzyme is missing or defective. One way to treat this type of genetic defect is to replace the enzyme that the gene is not producing. An example of a condition for which enzyme replacement therapy has been developed is Gaucher disease.


Some birth defects can be diagnosed and treated before birth. Prenatal surgery, for instance, can treat babies with urinary tract blockages and rare lung tumors.

先天缺陷和先天性异常|Research & Clinical Trials

Predicting a drug's likelihood of causing birth defects

当孕妇需要药物时,通常会担心对胎儿的影响。尽管有些药物清楚地被认为会导致先天缺陷(沙利度胺是一个臭名昭著的例子),而另一些药物通常被认为是安全的,但令人惊讶的是,大多数药物的风险水平知之甚少。波士顿的研究人员Children's Hospital Informatics Program (CHIP)have created a preclinical model for predicting a drug's teratogenicity (tendency to cause fetal malformations) based on characterizing the genes that it targets.

The model used bioinformatics and public databases to profile 619 drugs already assigned to a pregnancy risk class, and whose target genes or proteins — over 7,000 in all — are known. For each drug, CHIP investigators Asher Schachter, MD, MMSc, MS, andIsaac Kohane, MD, PhD,使用“创世纪”,“开发”,“区分”或“生长”之类的细胞搜索词确定了可能参与胎儿发育的靶向基因数量。针对与胎儿发育相关的大部分基因的药物往往处于较高的风险类别中。


Schachter and Kohane believe their model may be of interest to drug developers and prescribing physicians, and might provide useful information to incorporate in drug labeling. (Reproductive Toxicology, March 2011)

先天缺陷和先天性异常|程式& Services
