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Angelman Syndrome |概述

Angelman syndrome is a complex genetic disorder that causes developmental and neurological problems, such as severe speech impairment and trouble walking and balancing (ataxia).

  • affects about 1 in 10,000 people
  • people with Angelman syndrome are usually happy and affectionate and may laugh often and at inappropriate times
  • 受影响的人也可能有epilepsy
  • 通常与皮肤,头发和眼睛的色素水平低有关
  • treatment focuses on the behaviors associated the disorder

Angelman syndrome at Boston Children's Hospital

  • 研究人员研究了Angelman综合征的儿童,以确定最高剂量的新药,而不会引起严重的副作用。人们认为,这种药物可以帮助控制与疾病(例如震颤)相关的一些神经系统和运动困难。
  • Another group of researchers is investigating whether the vitamin supplements folic acid and betaine can lessen some of the symptoms of Angelman syndrome by increasing the activity of the gene involved in the disorder.

Angelman Syndrome |症状和原因

What causes Angelman syndrome?

Angelman syndrome is caused by a genetic mutation on chromosome 15. The name of this gene is UBE3A. Normally, people inherit one copy of the gene from each parent, and both copies become active in many areas in the body. Angelman syndrome occurs when only one copy of the gene is active in certain areas of the brain.

What are the risk factors?

There are no known risk factors for Angelman syndrome. In some cases, a family history may increase the chances of a baby having the disorder but the disease is rare, occurring in just 1 of every 10,000 people. If you already have a child with Angelman syndrome or are concerned about a family history, talking with your doctor or a genetic counselor may be helpful.


Children with Angelman syndrome tend to have some, but not necessarily all, of the following behaviors and characteristics:

  • Hand flapping or walking with arms in the air
  • Jerky body movements
  • Stiffed-leg walk
  • Little or no speech
  • 衰减器tion deficits
  • 多动症
  • 喂养问题,尤其是在婴儿期
  • Sleep problems and a need for less sleep than their peers
  • Delays in motor development
  • Frequent laughter that may occur at inappropriate times
  • 令人兴奋的个性
  • Tongue thrusting
  • Strabismus(眼睛交叉)
  • Small head size with flatness in the back of the head
  • 尖锐的下颌
  • 头发皮肤和眼睛中的色素沉着

Are there medical complications associated with the disorder?

Children with Angelman syndrome may have feeding difficulties, sleep problems and hyperactivity.

  • 在生命的头几个月中,可能会出现喂食困难,例如吮吸和吞咽问题。
  • Sleep disorders, such as frequent waking, may need to be treated with medication or behavior therapy.
  • 多动症tends to decrease as children get older, but many young children with Angelman syndrome may have short attention spans and move quickly from one activity to the next.



Angelman Syndrome |Testing & Diagnosis


出生时没有安吉尔曼综合症的迹象。该疾病通常在6到12个月时被诊断出,当父母开始注意到发育日期,例如缺乏爬行或bab脚时。Seizuresmay begin at 2 to 3 years. A doctor may suspect the disorder in children who have some of these symptoms in addition to others, such as difficulty with movement and balance, a small head size with flatness in the back and frequent laughter.


  • chromosome analysis to examine the size, shape and number of chromosomes in a cell
  • fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) to see if any chromosomes are missing
  • DNA甲基化测试以查看两个基因的副本(来自母亲和父亲的一个副本)是否活跃
  • sequencing of the ubiquitin-protein ligase E3A (UBE3A): to look for a mutation in the maternal mutation of this gene, which is a rare cause of Angelman syndrome

Angelman Syndrome |治疗

Treatment for Angelman syndrome focuses on managing the child's medical problems and developmental delays since there is no cure to repair chromosomes. Treatment may include the following:

Angelman Syndrome |Programs & Services
