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In approximately 80 percent of children, ADEM occurs only once. In some patients, it can reoccur. When it does, symptoms can be identical to the child's initial episode, but they can also be different.



波士顿儿童医院在Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders Program。我们的计划包括一名儿科神经心理学家,护士和社会工作者。

Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM) |症状和原因


The symptoms of acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) come on quickly. Your child may feel tired or irritable at first. It is also common to have a viral illness with fever a few days to a few weeks before the beginning of the symptoms. Other symptoms may include:



In ADEM, the immune system reacts against the brain and spinal cord. Autoimmunity is not contagious, but may be genetic (inherited from parents). ADEM may also follow a vaccination, although this is rare. In some cases of ADEM, a specific trigger/cause cannot be identified.

Is ADEM similar to多发性硬化症(MS)

ADEM和MS都涉及对大脑和脊髓中髓磷脂的自身免疫反应。他们俩都“脱髓鞘”疾病。两种疾病常见的症状包括视力丧失,无力,麻木和平衡丧失。Corticosteroids are used to treat attacks of ADEM and MS.

在大多数情况下,ADEM仅发生一次,而患有MS的患者在大脑和脊髓中反复发作。Although children can develop MS, it is much more common in adults, whereas ADEM is more common in children.Typical symptoms of ADEM such asfever,,,,headache和混乱,通常不会在MS的人中看到。MRIs在区分ADEM和MS时很有帮助。大多数患有MS的儿童都接受了持续的药物治疗,以防止攻击。ADEM患者不需要这种药物。

Although it is uncommon, children who have ADEM can later develop MS. Therefore, it is important to have ongoing follow up with your our team. Let your doctor know immediately if you notice new symptoms in your child, such as:

  • visual loss
  • weakness
  • 麻木
  • loss of balance

Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM) |Diagnosis & Treatments


There is not one specific test that is used to diagnose acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM). There are several exams and tests that the doctor must look at including:

  • your child's medical history
  • a neurological examination
  • brainMRIscans
  • 腰椎穿刺(脊柱水龙头),以确保脊髓液中没有感染,例如脑膜炎or脑炎
  • 一个EEG如果怀疑癫痫发作
  • 血液测试以寻找感染性触发因素和其他可能与ADEM混淆的情况


Medications are used to reduce the inflammation (swelling) in your child's brain and spinal cord. The main medication that is used for acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) is called methylprednisolone (Solu-medrol®), which is a corticosteroid given by IV once a day for three to five days. This medication is completely different from the illegal steroids that some athletes use.


大多数孩子容忍类固醇(medication) very well. But in some children there are side effects such as:

  • 暂时的情绪或其他行为改变
  • 血压和血糖的增加,您的孩子的医生或护士将监测,并在必要时可以治疗
  • 刺激的胃壁




For most children, recovery begins within days and continues for up to one year. Some children can have residual symptoms such as blurred vision, weakness or numbness.

Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM) |程式& Services
