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What are AC joint injuries?

The AC (acromioclavicular) joint is a joint in the shoulder where the collarbone (clavicle) meets the shoulder blade (scapula). The specific part of the scapula, adjacent to the clavicle, is called the acromion, hence the name AC joint.




  • 就像体内其他关节的关节炎一样,它的特征是疼痛和肿胀,尤其是活动。
  • 关节炎会导致关节周围的马刺形成。这些马刺是关节炎的症状,而不是疼痛的主要原因。
  • Motions that aggravate arthritis at the AC joint include reaching across the body toward the other arm.
  • 交流联合关节炎在举重运动员中很常见,尤其是在卧推,在较小程度上是军事新闻。
  • AC joint arthritis may also be present when there are rotator cuff problems.


When the AC joint is separated, the ligaments connecting the acromion and collarbone are damaged, and the two structures no longer line up correctly. AC separations are graded depending upon which ligaments are torn and how badly they are torn.

  • I级伤害:损坏最小,交流接头仍然对齐。
  • 年级II Injury: damage to the ligaments that reinforce the AC joint. These ligaments are only stretched but not entirely torn. When stressed, the AC joint becomes painful and unstable.
  • III级损伤:交流和继发韧带被完全撕裂,锁骨不再被束缚在肩blade骨上,从而导致可见的畸形。

What causes arthritis of the AC joint?

Arthritis of the AC joint mainly affects older adults. Your child may be at risk for arthritis of the AC joint due to:

  • 肩膀骨折
  • adislocatedshoulder
  • a family history of arthritis


Depending on the severity of your child’s AC joint injury, treatment may be surgical or non-surgical. Our doctors are committed to repairing your child's AC joint in the least invasive manner possible, including pain medication and physical therapy. Surgery is only used in the most severe cases of arthritis or separations.



Your child's doctor may need a complete medical history in addition to a physical exam, which may include:

  • X-rays: A diagnostic test which uses invisible electromagnetic energy beams to produce images of internal tissues, bones, and organs onto film.
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): A diagnostic procedure that uses a combination of large magnets, radio frequencies, and a computer to produce detailed images of organs and structures within the body. This test is done to rule out any associated abnormalities of the spinal cord and nerves.

How does a doctor care for arthritis of the AC joint?

  • 目前无法替代关节炎损坏的软骨。
  • The primary way to control the symptoms of arthritis is to modify your activities so as not to aggravate the condition.
  • Application of ice to the joint helps decrease pain and inflammation.
  • Medication including aspirin, Tylenol, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are also used commonly.
  • 在某些严重情况下,可的松的镜头。

How does a doctor care for an AC joint separation?

An AC separation can be a very painful injury, so the initial treatment decreases pain.

  • 将手臂固定在吊索中,并根据需要将冰袋放在肩膀上20至30分钟。
  • NSAIDS也可以帮助痛苦。

As the pain starts to subside, it is important to begin moving the fingers, wrist, elbow, and eventually the shoulder in order to prevent a stiff or frozen shoulder.

  • Instruction on when and how much to move the shoulder should be provided by your physician,physical therapist,或培训师。
  • The length of time needed to regain full motion and function depends on the severity or grade of the injury.
  • Recovery from a Grade I AC separation usually takes 10 to 14 days.
  • III级可能需要六到八个星期。

When is surgery needed?

When it comes to arthritis, surgery may be indicated if nonsurgical measures fail.

  • 由于疼痛是由于骨骼的末端彼此接触,因此处理是去除锁骨末端的一部分。
  • This outpatient surgery can be performed through a small incision about one inch long or arthroscopically using several small incisions.
  • Regardless of the technique used, most patients have full motion by six weeks and return to sports by 12 weeks.


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