Contrast Enema

A contrast enema is anX射线study that uses a water-soluble contrast agent containing iodine or barium to show the structure of the rectum, colon, and large intestine. Contrast enemas are commonly referred to as barium enemas.




Once the contrast fills the colon and large intestine, a special type of x-ray technology, called fluoroscopy, is used to take pictures of these organs.

Why might a contrast enema be needed?


How should I prepare my child for a contrast enema?

It is helpful to:

  • Give your child a simple explanation as to why she needs a contrast enema.
  • 向您的孩子保证您将在整个过程中都在那里。如果您怀孕了,则在拍摄X射线时将无法与您的孩子在一起。带另一个家庭成员或朋友与您的孩子在一起。
  • 带上孩子最喜欢的书,玩具或安慰物品,在等待时间占据她。

There are different preparation instructions for a contrast enema according to your child's age, diagnosis, or reason for the study. You will be given specific instructions when you make your child's appointment. It is important that you follow all preparation instructions or the study may need to be rescheduled. In general:

  • 对于大多数对比灌肠,无需准备。您的孩子可能在学习前吃或喝酒。
  • Some contrast enemas require that your child not eat or drink for a period of time prior to the study.
  • Your child can be given his or her usual medication on the day of the study.

What should I expect when I bring my child to the hospital for a contrast enema?

When you arrive, please go to the放射学系签到桌。

  • 患者体验代表将检查您的孩子并验证她的注册信息。
  • A radiologist or technologist will explain the study to you and your child and answer your questions.
  • Your child will change into hospital pajamas.
  • For women and girls who have begun to have periods (menstruate), a pregnancy test will be required before the study begins.



  • Your child will need to lie on the x-ray fluoroscopy table.
  • 技术专家将对孩子的腹部进行初步的X光检查。
  • The radiologist will place a small tube into your child's rectum. The length and width of the tube is determined by your child's age and/or size. The tube will be connected to a bag containing the rectal contrast.
  • Your child's large intestine will slowly be filled with contrast. The radiologist may push on your child's stomach during the study to move the contrast around.
  • Your child will be asked to roll from side to side as the x-rays are taken using the fluoroscopy machine.
  • The technologist may take another routine x-ray after the study.
  • Contrast will be drained from the colon as best as possible at the conclusion of the study.



  • There is some discomfort during the insertion of the tube into the rectum. Taking long, deep breaths will help your child feel better.
  • As the colon and large intestine fill with contrast, your child will feel as if he or she has to have a bowel movement. This feeling is normal.
  • Some discomfort or cramping pain may occur during the test, but it generally lasts only for a short time.

What happens after the contrast enema study?

When the enema is done, your child will be ready to go home or see his or her doctor if an appointment is scheduled.

  • 你的孩子能恢复他her usual activities and normal diet after the study.
  • Your child should drink plenty of fluids.
  • Your child's stools may appear white for a couple of days after the enema if barium is used.


How do I learn the results of the contrast enema study?

The radiologist will provide a report to the doctor who ordered your child's contrast enema. The doctor will then discuss the results with you.

How Boston Children's Hospital approaches a contrast enema

Performing contrast enemas in children poses unique challenges. We provide a soothing, kid-friendly environment.

  • Pediatric radiologists, with extensive experience and training, perform the procedure.
  • 技术人员在成像从婴儿期到青少年的孩子有多年的经验
  • 熟练的员工采用适合年龄的干扰技术来帮助舒适的患者在手术前和过程中。
  • Equipment is designed specifically for pediatric use, which means age-appropriate care for children.
  • Protocols have been adapted to keep radiation exposure as low as reasonably achievable without compromising the image quality.

Contact us

300 Longwood Ave
More information:617-355-6286