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What is mitochondrial disease?

线粒体疾病不是一个单一的疾病,而是一个涵盖性术语dozens of individual disorders in which the body’s cells have problems producing energy. Together, these disorders affect between 1 in 6,000 and 1 in 8,000 live births, making mitochondrial disease almost as common as childhood cancer. Individually though, these conditions are very rare. Mitochondrial disorders are frequently called mitochondrial encephalomyopathies and include the following conditions, as well as many others:

  • Kearns Sayre syndrome
  • 利氏病
  • Melas(线粒体脑瘤病,乳酸酸中毒和类似于中风的发作)
  • MERRF (myoclonic epilepsy with ragged red fibers)
  • MNGIE (mitochondrial neurogastrointestinal encephalopathy)
  • 皮尔逊综合症
  • disorders of pyruvate metabolism, such as pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency
  • 克雷布斯周期的疾病

线粒体疾病是遗传性的,有时在家庭中运行。它们可能引起广泛的症状, from developmental delay and hearing loss to seizures, strokes, heart failure and diabetes, in differing combinations. Multi-organ involvement is typical for these disorders. Disease can range from severe, starting at birth, to mild disease that doesn’t become apparent until adulthood. Sometimes it can appear abruptly when the child is challenged by another illness.


For more about how we manage mitochondrial disease at Boston Children’s, visit theMitochondrial Program page

线粒体疾病|Symptoms & Causes




Depending on the severity of the disorder, symptoms can appear at birth or they may not appear until adulthood. In some children, mitochondrial disease progresses quickly and can be severe. In others, it can be stable and well-managed for many years. Sometimes symptoms begin suddenly, triggered by another illness.

What causes mitochondrial disease

Mitochondria are the “power plants” of all the cells in the human body, producing the energy our bodies need to function. They are also involved in metabolism, helping our cells build, break down and recycle compounds they need.

在线粒体紊乱,线粒体的ability to do these jobs is impaired because of a genetic mutation — a “mistake” in the DNA. We all have two types of DNA in our bodies. The nuclear DNA (usually just called “DNA”) is found in the cell's nucleus and is inherited from both our mother and father. Mitochondria also have DNA, inherited from mothers. Because both types of DNA are responsible for the structure and function of the mitochondria, mutations in either can cause mitochondrial disorders. Mutations can be inherited from parents or can happen for the first time in a child (so-called从头mutations).

Inherited mutations in the mitochondrial DNA come from the mother. Mutations in nuclear DNA usually are recessive, meaning that one copy of the mutation comes from each parent. In this case, the parents are just carriers and do not have mitochondrial disease themselves. This also explains why some people with a mitochondrial disorder have a family history of the disorder, while others are the only one in their family to be affected.

For more on mitochondrial disease, visit our常见问题页面

线粒体疾病|Diagnosis & Treatment


Because症状are so varied, affecting multiple organs in the body, diagnosing mitochondrial disease can be challenging. Sometimes other disorders not involving the mitochondria are mistakenly diagnosed as mitochondrial disease. The opposite is true as well: Sometimes individuals who truly have mitochondrial disease are diagnosed as having something else.


Genetic testing is the most reliable way to diagnose and categorize a mitochondrial disorder. We may recommend genetic testing for your child (and sometimes for parents too) if any of these symptoms are present:

  • developmental delay with involvement of other organs
  • dardiomyopathy (disease of the heart muscle) or unexplained heart block, or impaired electrical signals in the heart
  • high levels of lactate in the blood or cerebrospinal fluid, when other symptoms are present
  • 大脑成像的某些异常发现
  • ophthalmoplegia (impaired eye movement) or ptosis (drooping upper eyelid)
  • 听力损失
  • 严重的胃肠道不动障碍(肠道中的弱或肌肉收缩)或肠道伪腹部(肠梗阻是由于肠道无法将食物推开而引起的肠梗阻)
  • 在疾病环境中的重大发展回归



Additional, non-genetic tests also help in diagnosing mitochondrial disorders. They include:

If a mitochondrial disorder is suspected or identified, we may refer your child for further testing and consultations with specialists. Testing depends on symptoms, and may include:



Exercise is one of the few proven methods for improving mitochondrial functioning and can help preserve your child’s strength and endurance. Exercise regimens should be supervised, should build up very gradually in intensity and should be suspended during illness.

What are the treatment options for mitochondrial disorders?

Currently, vitamins and supplements are the mainstay of treatment for mitochondrial disorders. They are thought to help mitochondria produce energy and reduce accumulation of toxic compounds inside cells. These supplements and cofactors are sometimes given together in “cocktails.” At present, the compounds that have been most well tested include coenzyme Q10 and creatine, but we also use a great variety of other supplements.

Regimens for specific mitochondrial disorders may include compounds that are deficient because of the disease, such as arginine (in MELAS) and folinic acid (in Kearns-Sayre syndrome). At Boston Children’s, we are testing dichloroacetate (DCA), which counters the high levels of lactic acid found in some mitochondrial disorders. In certain disorders, we may prescribe a special diet.


Because children with mitochondrial disease tend to be very sensitive to the stresses caused by minor illnesses like colds and fevers, your clinician will sometimes prescribe additional supportive therapies when the child is sick. These can include vitamins, cofactors, medications to counter biochemical imbalances that may occur, beverages containing electrolytes and sometimes intravenous (IV) hydration and IV antibiotics. In some instances, your child may need to be monitored in the hospital.

Children with mitochondrial disease also are known to be sensitive to a variety of drugs, as well as anesthetics used for surgical procedures.

线粒体疾病|Programs & Services
