Infantile Scoliosis

What is infantile scoliosis?

Infantile scoliosis是影响婴儿和幼儿的脊柱的异常侧向曲线。病情是指在3岁以下的儿童中发生的脊柱侧弯。

Infantile scoliosis is a type ofidiopathic scoliosis. “Idiopathic” means the cause is unknown. While idiopathic scoliosis is the most common type ofscoliosis, fewer than 1 percent of children with idiopathic scoliosis have infantile scoliosis.

A new treatment option for Jeanne’s infantile scoliosis

When Jeanne’s parents brought her to Boston Children’s Hospital, they discovered her infantile scoliosis could be treated with bracing — and without anesthesia.

Jeanne plays outside wearing a tutu and the brace that is correcting her infantile scoliosis.

Children with infantile scoliosis are not born with skeletal abnormalities that can be seen on anX射线. (By comparison, children are born withcongenital scoliosis。)症状通常会在婴儿大约6个月大时出现。男孩多于女孩发展婴儿脊柱侧弯。

Generally, infantile scoliosis is not painful. However, it is important to monitor the condition closely. Though most cases of infantile scoliosis get better on their own, in rare cases the condition can cause severe deformity.



If your child has infantile scoliosis, they may appear to always be leaning to one side. Other symptoms include:

  • ribs appear more prominent on one side than the other
  • 一个肩膀比另一个肩膀低
  • 一个肩blade骨比另一个肩部突出
  • 一条腿看起来比另一只腿长
  • the waistline appears tilted

What causes infantile scoliosis?

Researchers and doctors don’t know what causes infantile scoliosis. The condition seems to run in families. Research has not yet uncovered a gene or genes that could cause the condition.

How is infantile scoliosis diagnosed?

Infantile scoliosis is typically diagnosed during a standard medical check-up. If your child’s doctor sees signs of an abnormal spinal curve, they will order follow-up tests, which may include x-rays,MRI和神经检查。这些测试的结果将有助于确定您的孩子是否患有脊柱侧弯,如果是的,则其脊柱在多大程度上弯曲。

Comparison of mild, moderate, and severe infantile scoliosis.



  • 轻度婴儿脊柱侧弯的儿童通常会定期监测30度或更低的曲线,几年。
  • 中度婴儿脊柱侧弯(30至50度)的儿童通常通过支撑或铸造成功治疗。
  • 患有严重婴儿脊柱侧弯的儿童,曲线为50度或更高,可以用撑杆或铸造治疗,通常在年龄时需要进行脊柱手术。



In recent years, specialists in Boston Children’s Spine Division and Boston Orthotics and Prosthetics have teamed up to develop a brace for infants and small children. Thenew brace designapplies corrective forces to the spine much like a cast, without the need for cast application under anesthesia. The brace must be initially worn for 22 hours a day. It can be removed for daily bathing or if your child is ill.

小儿脊柱侧凸通常keyh括号ole opening in the front and straps in the back. Casts for infantile scoliosis go all the way around the torso with keyhole openings in the front and back.

Your child’s doctor will use x-rays to measure the success of the brace. If they see signs that the scoliosis is becoming more severe, they may recommend casting instead.



这length of your child’s treatment with casting or bracing depends on their age, severity of the curve, and response to treatment. Many children who start off in a cast can later wear a scoliosis brace instead.

Beating the odds and infantile scoliosis


科林·牛顿(Colin Newton)和他的姐妹萨默比(Somerby)和艾莉(Ailie)。



Growing rodsare temporary implants that can be lengthened as a child grows. During an initial surgery, surgeons will attach the rods to the child’s spine above and below the curve. Every six months or so after the first procedure, a surgeon will lengthen the rods by about one centimeter to give the spine more room for growth. Lengthening is done through a small incision in the back and is typically an outpatient procedure.

近年来,传统的生长杆通过磁技术改进,一旦婴儿达到可接受的尺寸,就可以使用。这MAGEC (MAGnetic Expansion Control) Systemeliminates the need for repeat incisions. After an initial operation to attach the MAGEC System to the spine, a surgeon can lengthen the rods by an external controller that signals the implanted device to expand.

这MAGEC (Magnetic Expansion Control System). Implanted rods are slowly expanded with magnetic technology to straighten the spine over time.

Whether traditional or magnetic, the growing rods will remain in place as long as your child continues to grow. Your child will need to wear a cast or brace throughout this period to protect their spine. After your child’s final growth spurt in late adolescence, the rods will be surgically removed and your child will havespinal fusion surgeryto permanently stabilize their spine.

What is VEPTR™ technology?


In some cases, children with infantile scoliosis have underdeveloped chest walls. The扩展胸腔造口术/VEPTR™is an expandable titanium rib that expands the chest wall and creates room for the lungs to develop. In some cases, VEPTR also helps the spine to grow straight.

What is the long-term outlook for infantile scoliosis?

大多数孩子与小儿脊柱侧凸forward to normal, active lives. Your child’s outlook depends in large part on the severity of their scoliosis. Early diagnosis and treatment can improve the outlook for many children with infantile scoliosis.


Spine Division在波士欧宝彩票平台顿儿童医院是美国最大,最繁忙的儿科脊柱中心。我们的脊柱专家每年都会看到成千上万的脊柱患者。我们将所有类型的脊柱侧弯和其他脊柱疾病处理,从最常见的是最复杂的。

只要可能,我们就会在不手术的情况下治疗婴儿脊柱侧弯。对于需要手术的孩子,我们外科团队包括外科医生,麻醉学家和具有特定技能和脊椎手术专业知识的护士。我们团队的每个成员每年进行数百次脊柱手术,并有助于确保质量和安全before, during, and after surgery.