

A fracture is a break in the bone that occurs when more force is applied to the bone than the bone can withstand. Fractures are also known as broken bones. Arm bones are fractured more often than other bones.

Common childhood fractures


The signs and symptoms of a fracture include:

  • 受伤的肢体疼痛或肿胀
  • obvious deformity in the injured area
  • difficulty using or moving the injured area in a normal manner
  • warmth, bruising or redness in the injured area

Seek medical care right away if your child displays any of symptoms of a fracture.如果您可以看到通过皮肤戳戳的骨骼,请不要移动您的孩子并立即致电911。

What are the risks for fractures?


How are a child’s bones different from adult bones?


Children’s bones are more flexible

生长骨骼倾向于在突破之前扣紧或弯曲,这通常会导致独特的骨折图案。例如,骨骼的一侧可以弯曲,导致agreenstick (bending) fracture。或骨骼的一侧可以扣紧并变得凹陷,导致一个buckle fracture


Children have soft areas of cartilage at the ends of their bones, called growth plates, where growth takes place. These areas of growth are often at risk when a child suffers a fracture. Growth plates can be injured at any stage of development, but are more common in early adolescence, when growth plates are in their final stage of growth.



What are the different types of fractures?

Bones fracture in a variety of different ways. Most fractures result from mild to moderate trauma, such as a fall or a direct blow while a child is playing or participating in sports. If there’s more force applied to the bone than the bone can absorb, it will break or buckle. The amount and type of force will affect the type of fracture.

Non-displaced fractures

由于非流离失所的裂缝,骨通常在可接受的位置保持对齐以进行愈合。这种骨折通常用A处理夹板,支撑或铸造。This immobilizes the injured bone, promotes healing, and reduces pain and swelling.

The following kinds of fractures can be treated with a splint, brace, or cast:

一个illustration of non-displaced fractures

  • Single non-displaced fractures:骨裂缝或休息,但保持到位。
  • 压力骨折(发际线骨折):骨骼中的微小裂缝形式,通常是由于过度使用或重复的应力轴承运动。在跑道或参加体操或舞蹈的儿童中,压力骨折是常见的。
  • 圆环或扣骨折:骨骼的一侧弯曲(扣)自身。骨头弯曲但没有破碎。这是一种常见的童年伤害,通常由简单的堕落结果产生。

Displaced fractures

When a fracture is displaced, the ends of the bone have come out of alignment. In such cases, the broken bone needs to be set back into alignment so it will heal properly. This is called areduction.减少后,受伤的肢体以支撑,夹板或施放在骨骼愈合时固定。如果减少不成功,可能需要其他治疗。


一个illustration of displaced fractures

  • 一个gulated fractures:破碎骨的两端彼此成角
  • Translated fractures:The ends of the bone have shifted out of alignment
  • 旋转骨折:The bone spun (rotated) when it broke.
  • Greenstick fractures:One side of the bone is broken, causing the other side to bend. A greenstick fracture resembles a broken tree branch. The branch cracks on one side but remains partially intact on the other.

Other severe fractures

Some fractures require reduction or surgery, or the bone will not heal properly. Examples include:


  • 粉碎骨折:骨折已经破碎成两个以上的碎片,不再适当地排列。
  • 压缩骨折:骨骼在压力下坍塌。当涉及关节表面时,这是最严重的。
一个illustration of a growth plate fracture


生长板骨折are typically caused by great force during sports or playground accidents. Depending on the seriousness of the fracture, they may be treated with a splint, cast, or walking boot. Some serious growth plate fractures require surgery.



骨折分为开放或closed. Aclosed fracture骨骼破裂时发生,但皮肤保持完整。一个open fracture, also known as a compound fracture, occurs when the broken bone breaks through the skin. Open fractures are rare. They can become infected if not treated appropriately and require immediate surgical attention.



Every year theOrthopedics and Sports Medicine Center在波士欧宝彩票平台顿儿童医院享用成千上万的儿童,青少年和年轻人,骨折所有复杂性。由于我们的儿科专业知识,我们可以精确地诊断与生长肌肉骨骼系统相关的条件和最佳护理计划。

At ourOrthopedic Urgent Care Clinics, we care for injuries that require prompt medical attention but are not serious enough to need emergency room care. We offer urgent care services in four locations:波士顿,Waltham,皮博迪, 和韦茅斯


Our experts in orthopedic care have created a series of helpful guides that cover different types of fractures, clinical treatment, home care, and expected recovery times.





Lower leg
