

铸造商店1869年波士顿儿童医院is established for the medical and surgical treatment of the diseases of children. The first patients are admitted for orthopedic injuries, including a fractured wrist and fractured femur.

1884年– The Charitable Surgical Appliance Shop opens at Boston Children's. The shop supplies braces to children suffering from conditions
such as骨髓炎tuberculosis.

Circa 1890- 为了阻止脊柱曲率的进展,医学博士爱德华·布拉德福德(Edward H. Bradford)和医学博士的罗伯特·W·洛维特(Robert W.

1890年– Edward H. Bradford, MD, and Robert W. Lovett, MD, produce the“骨科手术的论文”,被认为是当时的标准美国骨科文本。

1897年- 爱德华·H·布拉德福德,医学博士:他对脊柱侧弯leads to the establishment of a specialized scoliosis clinic at Boston Children's.

1903– Previously part of the Department of Surgery, Orthopedic Center is formally established as a separate department at Boston Children's.

1903- 美国骨科协会的创始人爱德华·布拉德福德(Edward Bradford),医学博士被任命为哈佛医学院骨科手术的第一位完整教授。布拉德福德博士对骨科领域的贡献很多。他开发了设备(例如布拉德福德框架)的开发,该设备是为协助治疗结核病的一种设备。

1903Osgood-Schlatter病, an overuse condition and common cause of knee pain in adolescents, is recognized by Boston Children's Orthopedic Surgeon and Chief, Robert B. Osgood, MD, and Carl Schlatter, MD.

1910Legg-Calve-Perthes disease- 股骨头(大腿)失去血液供应的疾病,可能导致股骨头的崩溃 - 由波士顿儿童的骨科医生Arthur Thornton Legg认可并以Arthur Thornton Legg的认可,并以此为命名。马里兰州犊牛和医学博士乔治·珀斯。

1915– Frank R. Ober, MD, develops the ligamentous procedure, a surgical technique for congenital equionovarus deformity, orclubfoot.

罗伯特·洛维特1916- 在马里兰州罗伯特·洛维特(Robert Lovett)的指导和领导下,他组织了第一个polioclinic at Boston Children's, the Orthopedic Center leads the nation in the study and treatment of infantile paralysis. At the height of the polio epidemic in the northeast, teams from Boston Children's were sent to various locations along the Atlantic seaboard to care for, and teach other physicians to care for, children stricken with polio.

在流行病期间,波士顿儿童的骨科医生,例如医学博士弗兰克·奥伯(Frank Ober),先锋手术程序,用于与这种疾病相关的弱点和染色。

1910s-1920s– James Sever, MD, orthopedic surgeon at Boston Children’s from 1906-1949, recognizes and pioneers surgery for internal rotation contractures and external rotation weakness for infants and children with brachial plexus birth palsy.

1940- 医学博士William T. Green发起的一项成长研究研究了脊髓灰质炎对局部骨骼和肢体生长的影响。这项研究的数据成为预测增长的国际标准,为纠正腿长差异的技术提供信息,并导致绿色 - 安德森的增长图。

1950- 医学博士威廉·贝伦伯格(William Berenberg)领导着一个多学科团队的发展方法cerebral palsy.

1971-2– John Hall, MD, brings to Boston Children's the advanced practice of joint-preserving hip surgery through the techniques of inominate osteotomy (Salter's technique) and Chiari osteotomy to treat acetabular dysplasia.

1972年- 医学博士约翰·霍尔(John Hall)和威廉·米勒(William Miller)先生开发了波士顿布雷斯系统(Boston Brace System)特发性脊柱侧弯和other spinal deformities. Hall also becomes a leading pioneer in scoliosis corrective surgery.

1974年– The first pediatricsports medicine clinic在国家,在波士顿儿童的指导下建立医学博士Lyle Micheli.

1975年– Boston Children's researchers Peter Hauschka, PhD, Jane Lian, PhD and Paul Gallop, PhD, discover osteocalcin in bone matrix (an abundant protein of mineralized bone). Osteocalcin contains three gamma-carboxyglutamic acid residues that bind calcium.

1983– Boston Children's surgeons John Hall, MD and迈克尔·米利斯(Michael Millis),医学博士,执行胸骨脊柱侧弯的第一个短段内部仪器和融合。该技术仅融合了三到四个椎骨,可以校正严重的脊柱侧弯,同时保持选定患者的柔韧性,从而实现几乎正常的长期活性。

1991- 在波士顿儿童的第一次,骨科医生进行伯尔尼周围截骨术。

1992– Orthopedic surgeons in the儿童和成人髋关节保存计划develop a modified surgical approach for the periacetabular osteotomy called the direct anterior approach. This advance further reduces the abductor morbidity formerly associated with acetabular redirectional procedures.

1992约翰·埃曼斯(John Emans),医学博士, designs a new lumbosacral fixation device for the treatment of severe spondylolisthesis.

1997- 医学博士约翰·埃曼斯(John Emans)是椎弓根螺钉的使用和评估的先驱特发性脊柱侧弯.

1998- 医学博士John Emans及其脊柱计划中的同事是世界上第二支球队,以执行垂直rxpandable rxpandable Prosthetic Proshetic titanium肋骨(VEPTR)手术,这是一种旨在治疗先天性脊柱侧弯的手术程序和胸腔功能不全综合征。

1999– In collaboration with researchers at Beth Israel Deaconess, Boston Children's surgeon and researcher,Young-Jo Kim,医学博士,博士,应用一种新的成像技术,延迟的gadolinium增强了软骨的磁共振成像(DGEMRIC)。DGemric用于评估髋关节发育不全患者的早期骨关节炎。事实证明,这项新技术在检测关节炎时比标准X射线更敏感。

2000- 波士顿儿童的骨科手术建立了一项全国性的多中心研究臂丛神.

2001- Young-Jo Kim,医学博士,博士学位,介绍了由瑞士雷恩霍尔德·甘茨教授设计的手术髋关节脱位技术,向波士顿儿童教授。这种错位技术允许在治疗髋关节畸形(例如股本股骨骨epip骨Perthes disease.

2001- 波士顿儿童骨科医生进行的胸腔前脊髓手术是一种需要小切口的技术,与常规手术相比减少了疼痛和恢复时间。

2003– The Orthopedic Center establishes the临床疗效Research Center (CERC). The first of its kind, the CERC is established to provide evidence-based standards of care for children with musculoskeletal disorders throughout the world.

2003- 骨科医生和研究人员Martha Murray, MD, investigates a new approach in fixing tears to the knee's anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). The technique uses platelet-rich plasma and a collagen hydrogel to help facilitate the regeneration of the ligament tissue.

2005– Boston Children's儿童和成人髋关节保存计划performs its 700th acetabular redirection osteotomy.

2010– TheSports Medicine Program先驱者对ACL组织的再生和医学博士玛莎·默里(Martha Murray)领导的预种植者的ACL修复的再生研究。临床试验从2015年开始。

2013– The Surgical Simulation Program pioneers surgical training and injury prevention with pediatric orthopedic teaching modules for trainees and attending surgeons under医学博士彼得·温斯托克, 和Don Bae, MD.
