Current Environment:


History of cardiology at Boston Children’s Hospital

心脏病学奖学金竖起大拇指Founded in 1948, by Dr. Alexander S. Nadas, the “Father of Pediatric Cardiology,” the cardiology fellowship program at Boston Children's Hospital is the oldest training program in the country. By the mid-1960s, Boston Children’s Hospital had become the largest center for pediatric cardiology in the world, with 15 staff physicians as well as international recognition for cardiac research. Over the ensuing 50 years, the Department of Cardiology has remained at the forefront of clinical and research training, with major contributions to many of the seminal advances in pediatric cardiology. Today, we have over 70 staff physicians and over 350 fellowship alumni.

Our mission remains centered around:

  • an unwavering commitment to outstanding patient care
  • a spirit of altruism and generosity toward patients, trainees, colleagues, and society as a whole
  • 致力于在各级培养创新和发现
  • 致力于选择和培训分享这些理想的研究员

Education and training in cardiology

Standard fellowship

The standard pediatric cardiology fellowship is a three-year program at Boston Children’s Hospital. The program accepts 8 fellows each year. The three years of training consists of 24 months of clinical rotations and 12 months of elective and research experience. The first year starts with an innovative, month-long训练营对于所有第一年的研究员。该计划与新的研究员进行动手培训和技能发展。研究员填写了以下领域的“护照”的清单“护照”:心脏ICU,电生理学,锻炼生理学,导尿和超声心动图。任务广泛变化,从使用最先进的血管进入模拟器来练习在CAT CAND程序之前进入静脉,以获得来自患者家庭的程序的同意,并使用响应性人体模特模拟器练习紧急情况,然后是a团队汇报。致力于教学人员的核心组织监督该计划,并补充了赋予基础知识的讲座的临床经验,包括利用心脏登记处资源的深入心脏病学课程。


Research opportunities are diverse at Boston Children’s Hospital and combine intramural expertise in molecular genetics, cardiac morphogenesis, and cellular adhesion with a wide range of laboratory investigation occurring throughout the Boston medical community. Educating fellows in patient safety and quality improvement science is another important goal of the Core Fellowship, and all fellows take a longitudinal course in Quality Improvement Methods during the first year. Following this, fellows are expected to meaningfully participate in ongoing QI projects in the Cardiovascular Program, or to design and implement their own QI project.

Applying to the Standard Fellowship

To apply to the standard three-year fellowship,在此处下载说明。在说明书中列出了所需的儿科心脏病学评估表(可以伴随所有推荐信),可以找到这里

必须通过所有标准的团契应用材料提交Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS) website


  1. Deadline for completed application: Per ERAS (for fellowships beginning July 1st of the following year)
  2. Interviews: August 1st through October 31st
  3. Final selection: A schedule of dates and other information can be found by visiting theNRMP website

Cardiology Fellowship in front of elevator


Joy Gueverra
Program Coordinator, Cardiology Categorical Fellowship

Boston Children’s Hospital, Department of Cardiology

300 Longwood Avenue

波士顿,MA 02115

David Brown, M.D.

Categorical Fellowship Director, Boston Children’s Hospital Benderson Family Heart Center

Department of Cardiology

300 Longwood Avenue

波士顿,MA 02115

Sarah Teele, M.D.
Categorical Fellowship Assistant Director, Boston Children’s Hospital Benderson Family Heart Center
Department of Cardiology
300 Longwood Avenue
波士顿,MA 02115

David Kane, M.D.
Categorical Fellowship Assistant Director, Boston Children’s Hospital Benderson Family Heart Center
Department of Cardiology
300 Longwood Avenue
波士顿,MA 02115
