Autism Language Program



通信障碍中心主任霍华德C. Shane博士,以及与自闭症,各国相关的沟通问题的权威,虽然访问我们计划的每个孩子都有各种优势和缺点,我们将其视为我们的工作确定这些优势,以改善他们的沟通和学习。“


The philosophy of the ALP is complimentary to the current leading approaches to the treatment of autism. As such, we have examined these philosophies and have implemented strategies that enhance these outcomes and produce better results.

We believe that every family that visits the ALP leaves knowing more about their child's communication and learning styles. Families leave with a plan for improving their child's communication, and with recommendations on how to help their child understand spoken language and how to speak more effectively, which in turn can have a positive effect on their learning.


Offering a new approach to autism, Shane provides clinicians and educators solutions to improving a child's overall communication ability in his new book,Visual Language in Autism. This approach reflects the clinical philosophy practiced in the Autism Language Program.Order yours today!


Read about our long history of research and development of technology for children with autism and related communication disorders...


  • strong visual processing
  • ability to solve puzzles
  • 能够解码词语(通常是自我教导的)
  • Ability to make sense of the world through their visual surroundings (often enhanced by visual materials)
  • 与书籍和杂志的迷恋
  • 非常感兴趣的电子屏幕媒体(电视,游戏,监视器)*



  • in shared interests
  • paying attention to what you want them to
  • 了解语言(口语和书面)
  • with social conventions
  • 查看另一个人的角度
  • expressing and interpreting emotion
  • with obsessive and compulsive behavior patterns


There are, however, many misconceptions about autism. Some believe that if a child does not learn to talk by age 7, they will not talk at all. We do not believe that.

How Children With Autism Communicate

Every child with autism does communicate. Even without any intervention they know how to protest, how to object, and usually if parents and teachers are good observers, they also know how to tell you what they want. All three of these abilities are often expressed through physical means, and these non-verbal expressions get positive results when interpreted by the correct people.

In some situations these children cannot get their message across, and revert to unusual, destructive, or aggressive behavior. This usually happens when the child:

  • cannot tell you what they want
  • 想休息一下
  • 没有一种方法可以恢复注意力


Our Innovative Approach

It is our goal for every child we see with autism to become as effective a communicator as possible. We strive to improve each child's ability to communicate, protest, object, request, and move beyond to maximize their ability to communicate in all situations. General consensus is that persons on the autism spectrum have strong visual skills, and likely these visual skills surpass their auditory skills. In the Autism Language Program (ALP) at Boston Children's Hospital, we strive to maximize these auditory skills through the use of visual materials as a way of improving all forms of communication. As a result, these children use these new-found communication skills to improve academic performance, and also to interact in and learn about the world in which they live. In the ALP, we rely on the traditional approaches to communication assessment, that generally include:

  • spoken language comprehension
  • clarity of articulation
  • 他们使用和对手势的理解的有效性
  • 活动水平
  • 学习方式
  • 执行技能

What separates the strategies used in the Autism Language Program (ALP) at Boston Children's Hospital from other treatment approaches is our innovative way of appreciating the strengths of children with autism, and using modern technology to enhance their abilities.

Below is an sample of a First-Then display used in the ALP. We have expanded these displays by including the duration or number of repetitions into the display, thereby increasing clarity and reducing confusion for the child. This is an example of a display our clinicians use with children who visit the ALP.





And then