
2019年6月,在Daniel Hedequist, MD,Spine Divisionat Boston Children’s Hospital became one of the first pediatric orthopedic centers in the country to use the Mazor X Stealth Edition robotic guidance system in its surgical suite. The system, which received FDA approval in March 2019, combines preoperative planning software, a robotic arm, and stealth navigation to assist surgeons in the placement of surgical hardware as they perform spinal fusion surgery.

在2019年6月至2020年11月之间,我们的脊柱部门外科医生使用Mazor X Stealth Edition机器人指导系统进行了75多次脊柱手术。如您所怀疑的那样,引入系统需要进行前期的时间承诺。由于外科医生和团队获得了机器人导航的经验,因此在早期阶段花了更长的时间。该系统最初仅用于涉及简单的解剖结构和螺钉放置的直接案例。每次手术后,临床医生开会进行汇报,以审查程序和可能的改进。如今,脊柱部门的外科团队使用机器人指导系统广泛地纠正idiopathic scoliosis,neuromuscular scoliosis, congenital spine deformities, and脊椎前移

“机器人手术”一词表明外科医生的工作是由机器进行的。此假设不适用于Mazor X机器人指导系统。波士顿儿童的脊柱外科医生更喜欢“共同手术”一词,以表彰外科医生在整个手术过程中的非常积极的作用。例如,外科医生必须进行持续的安全检查,以确认机器人臂建议的每种轨迹的准确性。在极少数情况下,机器人臂可能未对准,外科医生必须在进行前进或冒灾难性的患者受伤。根据Hedequist的说法,波士顿儿童外科医生接受了脊柱畸形手术的经验以及Mazor X Stealth技术的准确性,因此在所有情况下都可以安全地应用这种创新技术。

机器人ic aiming arm with cannula inserted, confirming starting position with the use of navigation instrumentation.
机器人ic aiming arm with cannula inserted, confirming starting position with the use of navigation instrumentation.

Potential benefits


Advancing the navigated drill through the robotic aiming arm with cannula


The Boston Children’s Spine Division chose to embark on this project because we believe robotic guidance will be a driving force in the rapidly expanding field of surgical technologies. Demands for patient safety, quality of care, cost-effectiveness, as well as payor regulations will be primary drivers in the continued evolution of robotic technologies and their widespread adoption in the OR.

为了帮助确保机器人指导技术带来其潜在的好处,脊柱部门正在与其他四个儿科中心组成一个研究小组,这些小儿中心也是Mazor X Stealth Edition System的早期采用者。我们将共同汇总和分析手术数据,以确定机器人导航对手术效率,患者安全性,OR和荧光镜检查的影响。将来,我们还可以作为外科医生探访中心,其他提供商可以在这里看到使用的系统。


Key takeaways

Any spine center considering a robotic guidance system should keep the following points in mind:

  • 机器人技术将对未来的手术技术产生深远而持久的影响。
  • Any surgeon using the robotic guidance system should have extensive experience and knowledge of spinal fusion surgery to assure patient safety.
  • The initial learning curve is steep and requires an up-front commitment of time as surgical teams become familiar with the system.
  • 外科团队应计划在每种情况下进行汇报,以审查未来的程序和可能提高效率的效率。
  • 机器人导航有可能提高准确性和效率并降低成本,但是,在此早期阶段,这些收益尚未进行测试。
Screen shot of intraoperative planning software, setting the starting point, trajectory, and size of pedicle screws
Screen shot of intraoperative planning software, setting the starting point, trajectory, and size of pedicle screws

机器人ic guidance: Technology components

The Mazor X Stealth robotic guidance system is an expansion of the O-arm intraoperative CT scanning technology and surgical navigation that has been in use in the Spine Division since 2015. The robotic guidance system introduces the following components to spinal surgeries:

Preoperative planning software——使用解剖图片,软件帮助杂志ical teams determine appropriate screw size for the patient before the surgery, eliminating the need for back-up implant trays in the surgical suite. Surgical teams can also use the software to plan ahead for surgeries on difficult anatomies.

机器人手臂— After registering a patient’s anatomy and confirming anatomical landmarks, the robotic arm guides the trajectory of pedicle screw placement.

隐形导航- 提供对患者解剖结构和螺丝轨迹的实时确认,使外科医生能够验证每种植入物的精确放置。

Additional pre- or intra-operative planning view option allowing visualization of the computed topography (CT) anatomy and planned pedicle screw trajectory
Additional pre- or intra-operative planning view option allowing visualization of the computed topography (CT) anatomy and planned pedicle screw trajectory

X-rays of spine pre- and post-surgery with Mazor X
X-rays of spine pre- and post-surgery with Mazor X


Gonzalez D,Ghessese S,Cook D,Hedequist D.Initial intraoperative experience with robotic-assisted pedicle screw placement with stealth navigation in pediatric spine deformity: an evaluation of the first 40 cases。J Robot Surg. 2020 Oct 22. doi: 10.1007/s11701-020-01159-3. Online ahead of print.

Hedequist DJ, Erikson MA, Larson AN.小儿脊柱手术中的导航和机器人技术。jposna。2020年5月;第2卷第1卷。

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