Current Environment:

Community support

  • Family VoicesLocal and national links for parent support groups and legislative news. The publication list has a number of helpful brochures.
  • Family Education Networkhas everything you need to know about sending your child to school.
  • TheIndividuals with Disability in Education Act(IDEA) addresses your child’s rights in school.
  • PACERParent Advocacy Coalition for Educational Rights will fill in where the previous two sites may have left off.

Financial resources

  • The Child Health Insurance Program(CHIP) is a partnership between state and federal goverments to provide health insurance for children from working families with incomes too high too qualify for Medicaid but to low to afford private coverage.
  • Health Hippoprovides hundreds of links to policy and regulatory information related to health care.
  • Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services(CMS)是联邦机构负责管理医疗保险, Medicaid and Child Health Insurance programs. Click on the information clearinghouse section for a list of HCFA publications.
  • Social Security Administrationonline answers a lot of questions about benefits, who qualifies for benefits as well as local offices.
  • Department Of Regulatory Agencies– Contact your state department for any additional information. For example Colorado offers the, a great online brochure “What Happens When Your Health Insurance Says No”.
  • Family Voices Publication List“Managed Care for Children with SHCN” is a wonderful brochure explaining managed care as well as what kind of questions to ask about your insurance coverage.

Medical information

  • National Medical Home Portalis one of the best organized sites with information on education about your child’s chronic condition.
  • Rare Genetic Diseases in Children A well organized site with links on financial, educational, and medical resources for children with genetic disease.
  • RxListis an online pharmacy database.

Resources for parents, siblings and patients
