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There is a recall of some SYMJEPI (epinephrine) Injections Syringes, due to clogging preventing the dispensing of epinephrine.Click here for more information.


November is National Epilepsy Awareness Month – a time to educate about epilepsy and seizures.


简单地说,当大脑中有太多的电力时,就会发生癫痫发作,并立即击中神经元(神经细胞)。通常,当一个人有两个或更多未加工的癫痫发作时,癫痫症被诊断出来 - 换句话说,癫痫发作不是由Freves,伤害,睡眠剥夺,疾病或药物或酒精使用引起的。然而,当脑电图异常后,可以在一次癫痫发作后诊断癫痫症。

While the cause of most cases of childhood seizures is unknown, some possibilities include trauma, brain defects present at birth, tumors, metabolic disorders, or infection. While this may sound scary, fortunately, the chance of brain damage or death from childhood seizures is very small.

Helping you and your child navigate an epilepsy diagnosis begins with the right care team.

Epilepsy patients have faced unique challenges throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. There is a heightened need for rescue medications to avoid emergency room visits. We have also seen patients who present with new-onset seizures and also test positive for COVID-19.

Throughout the pandemic, our neurology division has remained available to these vulnerable patients, whether it be in-person appointments or telemedicine visits. Boston Children’s Health Physicians was fortunate to welcome Dr. Steven Wolf and Nurse Practitioner Patricia McGoldrick to our network of care in January 2020. Dr. Wolf and Ms. McGoldrick are renowned for their participation in pharmaceutical trials and participation in the Pediatric Epilepsy Research Consortium and the Pediatric Epilepsy Learning Healthcare System.

正在建立波士顿儿童健康医师/玛丽亚法利儿童医院癫痫计划,为哈德森谷地区提供有限的癫痫中心的患者。癫痫团队包括Dr. Steven Wolf,Dr. Philip Overby, Dr. Shahid Parvez, Dr. Carrie Muh, Dr. Mike Tobias, Dr. Avi Mohan, nurse practitionersPatricia McGoldrickand Cari Martone, and苏珊Branieck博士i, a neuropsychologist.

Together, the team provides epilepsy monitoring unit admissions, epilepsy surgeries ranging from placement of vagal nerve stimulators to stereo EEG recordings, laser ablation, placement of responsive neurostimulators, and resective surgeries. We also have robot-assisted guidance systems and are developing a ketogenic diet program. We are equipped with board-certified EEG technicians and laboratories.

Helping children and adolescents with epilepsy

One of the best things you can do for a child with epilepsy is to take control and get organized. Be your child’s advocate. Parents learn the ins and outs of epilepsy during their child’s care but it’s important to keep doctors’ names and numbers and emergency information in several different places. Let family members and babysitters know where they are posted. Talk with their school and friends’ parents ahead of playdates. Have a seizure action plan.

If you have concerns about your child’s health or development or wish to learn more about epilepsy medications, diets, and epilepsy surgery, contact theBCHP Pediatric Neurology division.

