董事会|Douglas A. Berthiaume

Douglas Berthiaume爆头波士顿儿童医院董事会欧宝彩票平台主席
Waters Corporation退休的主席和总裁兼首席执行官

Douglas Berthiaume是Waters Corporation的退休董事长,主席,米尔福德,米尔福德,基于MILS.的公司,专门从事分析仪器,主要用于生命科学和制药行业。

He is a graduate of the University of Massachusetts and received an Honorary Doctor of Laws Degree from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst in 2005. He is chairman of the Boston Children’s Hospital Board of Trustees, a member of the Boston Children’s Hospital Trust Board, and a founding director of the马萨诸塞大学Amhert Foundation Inc。Berthiaume先生与他的妻子,戴安娜和他的女儿,Maggie和Abigail居住在地区。