
We are proud to have been awarded the医疗保健平等指数Leadership Statusin 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018. The Healthcare Equality Index reviews health care facilities’ policies and practices to ensure equal access and treatment of LGBTQ patients, visitors and employees.

At Boston Children’s, we provide LGBTQ patient- and family-centered care in four key areas:

患者不歧视: We provide medical care to all patients, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.

Equal visitation: We welcome all visitors, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.

Employment non-discrimination: We welcome all people to apply to our open job positions, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.

在LGBTQ患者和家庭中心护理中培训:我们向我们的员工提供培训,请参阅LGBTQ患者和家庭为中心的护理。了解更多关于的信息安全区培训计划offered to our staff.

Our hospital is committed to ensuring that all LGBTQ patients, families, and staff work, visit, and receive care in an LGBTQ affirming environment. We offer single-stall bathrooms in many of our locations for the comfort of all of our visitors.


Please feel free to search ourdirectory of health care providerswho have self-identified as LGBTQ trained, allies, and/or “out.” We keep this list continually updated.

  • LGBTQ trained: Staff who have completed the安全区培训计划or another LGBTQ-focused training.
  • Allies: Staff who have self-identified as supporting equal access and affirming treatment of LGBTQ patients, families, colleagues, and visitors.
  • Out:作为LGBTQ社区的成员自我确定的工作人员


TheCenter for Gender Surgery在波士顿儿童医院,为符合条件的青少年和年轻成年人提供性别肯定的手术服务,并准备在旅程中迈出这一步骤。它是美国的第一中心。

TheGender Management Service (GeMS)致力于为性别膨胀和变性人及其家人提供最高级别的个性化,安全和肯定的护理。创立于2007年,宝石是美国的第一个主要计划,以重点关注治疗性别膨胀和变性青少年。从那时起,我们已经将我们的计划扩展到欢迎3至25岁的患者。

The青少年/年轻成人医学分工provides primary and specialty care services to patients ages 10 to 23. The division founded the青少年健康的波士顿领导教育(Leah)计划,其目的是为了提高他alth of adolescents in the United States through education, research, and program development. Its goal is to train the next generation of health care leaders in adolescent health.

The行为健康,内分泌,泌尿外科(BE-U)program is dedicated to providing care and support to infants, children, adolescents, and young adults with differences or disorders of sexual development. Our program includes specialists with expertise in treating conditions that cause ambiguous genitalia (a birth defect of the sex organs).

TheBoston HIV青少年提供者和同行教育网络的服务(碰巧)为青年12至24岁提供服务,他是艾滋病毒阳性或疾病风险和其他性传播疾病的风险。发生的优惠免费艾滋病咨询和测试对于年轻人13岁及以上的年轻成年人,对13至24岁的年轻成年人的自由性传播感染和病毒肝炎检测。

Engagement in LGBTQ research

Many Boston Children’s clinical staff and researchers are studying and improving the health of LGBTQ children and adolescents through community-based outreach, national advocacy efforts, and multi-center national studies. They include:

S. Bryn Austin,SCD
Elizabeth Boskey, PhD, LICSW
布列塔尼M. Charlton,MSC,SCD
Yee-Ming Chan, MD, PhD
Allegra R. Gordon,MPH,SCD
Frances Grimstad,MD,MS
Carly Guss, MD
Sari L. Reisner, ScD
Norman Spack, MD
艾米C. Tishelman,PHD
Sabra L. Katz-Wise,PHD

The性取向和性别认同和表达(Sogie)工作组, based at Boston Children’s and theHarvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, brings together experts from diverse disciplines whose work focuses on the intersections of sexual orientation, gender, and health. Biweekly meetings provide a space for members to discuss, critique, and develop research, advocacy, and public health projects focused on promoting health equity among gender and sexual minority groups.


We aim to connect our patients and families to health education and resources to help ensure continuity of care. We recommend the following resources:

波士顿儿童’s Hospital’s Neighborhood Partnership Program (BCHNP), part of ourDepartment of Psychiatry是一个社区心理健康计划,将社会工作者,心理学家和精神科医生在整个波士顿提供给儿童和青少年的行为保健服务。该计划为学生,家庭和员工提供教育和支持,如抑郁和自杀,欺凌和性行为。

TheCenter for Young Women’s Health, in collaboration with theDivision of Adolescent Medicineand the妇科划分, is an educational center that provides teen girls and young women with carefully researched health information, health education programs, and conferences. The website offers timely articles, blogs, and interactive features.

TheCenter for Young Men’s Health为十几岁的男孩和年轻人提供仔细研究健康信息,以帮助他们改善对正常健康和发展的理解,以及特定的疾病和条件。目标是赋予青少年男孩和年轻人在自己的医疗保健中发挥积极作用。

TheDigital Wellness Labis dedicated to understanding and responding to the effects of media on the physical, mental, and social health of children through research, production, and education. The lab communicates about such topics as youth and LGBTQ representation on television and how media can influence children as they develop their own sense of sexual identity and understanding of cultural norms when it comes to sexual behaviors.

LGBTQ & Friends


At Boston Children's Hospital, we embrace our diversity not only to deliver the best care, but also to make Children's a better place to work. Children's supports our patients, families, and staff within the LGBTQ community.

LGBTQ & Friends is representative of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, and queer staff and employees at Boston Children's Hospital — and for their friends and supporters. Current co-chairs are Todd Katzman and Allison Scobie-Carroll.

LGBTQ和朋友在每个月的第三个星期二在下午12点举行。会议在外科图书馆/ Hunnewell 353举行,位于儿童主校园。

For more information about the LGBTQ & Friends, please email托德·卡兹曼.

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